
Bitget Wallet 營運長在 Blockchain Life Dubai 上介紹 Web3 錢包安全策略


塞席爾維多利亞,23 年 2024 月 XNUMX 日,Chainwire

At this month’s Blockchain Life Dubai conference, 比特錢包‘s Chief Operating Officer Alvin Kan joined industry experts from SafePal, Ledger, Trust Wallet, Telegram Wallet, and CoinTelegraph journalists to discuss strategies for building more secure and user-friendly decentralized wallets. The discussion revolved around the comprehensive application of various wallet technologies, including hot wallets, cold wallets, MPC wallets, AA wallets, and multi-signature wallets.


「為了建立一個安全的錢包平台,必須實施全面、系統化的安全解決方案,」他在會議的小組討論中說道。 “這意味著確保在用戶旅程的每個階段以及後端的每個階段都引入安全措施,以確保錢包安全參數的徹底構建、擴展和重新評估。”

Bitget Wallet 營運長 Alvin Kan 在圓桌論壇上發言

Kan provided a detailed analysis of Bitget Wallet’s security array, and outlined some of the common causes of asset loss, which often stem from incidents such as losing one’s private key, unknowingly signing malicious contracts, and interacting with fraudulent DApps or tokens. To address these issues, Bitget Wallet has implemented a suite of security measures, including the introduction of “keyless” MPC Wallets, as well as hardware wallet connectivity and strong partnerships with renowned security partners in the industry to conduct rigorous audits for the core codes of the wallet’s Swap and NFT Marketplace. Additionally, the wallet also shares in a $300 million user protection fund with Bitget, further enhancing its risk resistance capability.

Alvin 解釋說,這些功能不僅僅是附加功能,而是當今 Web3 環境中的強制性要求,並強調建構者和開發人員必須密切關注 Web3 中日益增長的風險。隨著威脅變得更加複雜和隱蔽,專案不僅要引入反動措施,還要引入主動措施來抵禦這些威脅,這一點很重要。引用的例子包括 Bitget Wallet 使用針對潛在危險代幣和 DApp 甚至 Flashbot 的內建風險警報來對抗以太坊區塊鏈上潛在的最大可提取價值 (MEV) 攻擊。 Kan表示,對於過去六個月流行的比特幣鏈上資產,錢包也實施了資產隔離和DApp互動隔離措施,以防止用戶的資產被錯誤轉移或銷毀。

然而,針對惡意活動的戰爭並沒有就此停止。在小組討論中,Kan 也強調了為使用者提供足夠的教育材料的重要性,以便使用者可以隨時了解 Web3 上的最新威脅。這也構成了整體使用者體驗的一部分,即使在強大的安全陣列的背景下,整體使用者體驗也應該保持流暢且不間斷。

「設計錢包時,在便利性和安全性之間找到最佳平衡至關重要,」阿爾文在結束小組討論時說道。 “我們需要不斷更新惡意行為者所採用的最新技術和方法,並在幕後實施主動預防措施,這些措施可以保持無縫和有針對性,以仍然保持流暢的用戶體驗。”


比特錢包 is Asia’s largest and a leading global Web3 wallet with over 20 million users worldwide. It offers a comprehensive range of features, including asset management, intelligent market data, swap trading, launchpad, inscribing, and DApp browsing. Currently, it supports more than 100 major blockchains, hundreds of EVM-compatible chains, and over 250,000 cryptocurrencies. Bitget Wallet enhances liquidity by aggregating it across hundreds of top DEXs and cross-chain bridges, facilitating seamless trading on nearly 50 blockchains.

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