
6 月 1 日,23 種價格低於 XNUMX 美元的最便宜加密貨幣 


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加密貨幣市場表現出複雜的市場訊號,市值成長了 2.38%。然而,交易量在恢復之前受到了輕微打擊,表明投資者在比特幣減半後正在積極交易。因此,隨著交易者購買幾種山寨幣,這種市場情緒導致了山寨幣的看漲趨勢。 

然而,這提供了一個利用山寨幣季節減半後下跌的機會。許多有前途的低價加密貨幣為投資者提供了一個負擔得起的市場切入點。因此,InsideBitcoins 整理了一份符合此描述的前五名代幣清單。

5 種價格低於 1 美元的最便宜加密貨幣

該分析為交易者提供了評估各種代幣成長潛力的寶貴見解。許多價格低於 1 美元的代幣正在經歷上漲趨勢,顯示投資前景光明。 

Also, we look at Sei, Kaspa, Beam, and Pepe as outstanding investment options. These low-cap cryptocurrencies each focus on real-world asset tokenization and blockchain innovation. These factors fuel our recommendation of these assets as potential portfolio additions.

1. 西 (SEI)

SEI’s latest announcement introduces its latest feature, the Telegram Mini App. This app allows users to predict several trade outcomes effortlessly. Users can trade views, swap items, and bookmark their favourite predictions. This development has seen the token’s value enter the top gainers today. 

Sei 價格走勢圖

Sei 價格走勢圖

Due to its recent price surge, SEI has attracted attention amid the current Altcoin surge. Within the last 7 days, it experienced a remarkable rally of 38%, reaching $0.6547. This surge in price has been accompanied by an 80% increase in trading volume, indicating a growing interest among traders.

此外,SEI 已迅速攀升至市值前 100 名的代幣項目。隨後表明代幣採用率有所增加。 SEI 的交易價格接近其週期高點,並且基於其市值具有較高的流動性。隨著社區對 SEI 的興趣和投資不斷增加,該代幣有可能在市場上達到新的高度。

2.卡斯帕 (卡斯)

Recently, the price of Kaspa has surged by 5%, marking a notable increase. Over seven days, the token witnessed a further surge of 14.94%. These gains come after announcing an ecosystem update slated for next week. The token seeks to deploy, mint, and transfer KRC-20 tokens and indexer and API integrations. The project’s roadmap is in progress, with an open beta planned for next month.

Furthermore, at the time of writing, Kaspa is priced at $0.1275, accompanied by a significant rise in trading volume, which has increased by 63.48%. This uptrend in price and trading volume suggests a bullish sentiment among investors and traders. On a year-to-date (YTD) basis, Kaspa has demonstrated remarkable growth, with its price soaring by 378%.

Kasper price chart

Kasper price chart

This impressive surge places Kaspa ahead of 81% of the top 100 crypto assets, surpassing Bitcoin and Ethereum. Currently, Kaspa’s price is trading substantially above its 200-day simple moving average by 125.83%, indicating strong market momentum.

Projections for Kaspa lean towards an optimistic trajectory for the future. According to Kaspa price predictions, the coin could potentially peak at $0.239, with an average price hovering around $0.213 by 2024.

3. 電動嘟嘟車 (TUK)

嘟嘟車 預售即將達到一個重要的里程碑,已籌集超過 3 萬美元。該計畫旨在加強全球特別是發展中國家的永續交通運輸。它尋求透過提供電動車(EV)和充電站來實現這一目標。


此外,eTukTuk 還與主要組織建立了合作夥伴關係,以支持其使命。這些合作使 eTukTuk 在促進永續交通方面發揮了重要作用。它重點關注嘟嘟車在日常旅行和貿易中發揮重要作用的地區。

此外,eTukTuk 的預售目標為 10.7 萬美元。他們精心規劃了代幣分配,其中 21.5% 留作質押獎勵,以鼓勵長期投資。流動性獲得7%,9.75%用於預售,確保分配均衡。

此外,eTukTuk 計劃在預售後在交易所上市其代幣 TUK。此舉旨在簡化投資者交易代幣的流程。它還表明了其對先進技術支援的即時綠色措施的承諾。

嘟嘟車 透過永續解決方案和創新技術的整合,持續獲得關注。這種獨特的混合使其對尋求環境和財務收益的投資者俱有吸引力。 

造訪 eTukTuk 預售

4.佩佩 (PEPE)

Being a meme coin, Pepe’s value is inherently linked to its transactional use, demand, and popularity rather than utility. Consequently, Pepe is gaining momentum with its recent surge in popularity and demand for memecoin. The overall post-halving surge in the value of the meme coin market has seen Pepe follow suit. The token has seen its price surge over 56% gains in the last 24 hours. 

活動的激增表明採用率和交易量的增加。它將 Pepe 推升至模因幣市場的第三位。此外,佩佩的交易指標鞏固了對其價格預測的樂觀情緒。過去 18 天中,佩佩的收盤價有 30 天超過開盤價。該價格表明 60% 的天數充滿綠色燭台。



此外,Pepe Coin 展現出強勁的市場動能。它的交易價格接近歷史高點,超過 200 日簡單移動平均線。對 Pepe 市場情緒的評估顯示,恐懼與貪婪指數的極度貪婪評級為 80。該指數顯示投資者對該代幣的興趣不斷增加。


5. 梁(BEAM)

Beam is attracting considerable interest following its consistent price climb in April. Anticipation of the Bitcoin halving is a propelling factor that sees Beam trade at $0.03021. This price showcases a 19.89% increase in the last 24 hours. Meanwhile, investors are bullish on Beam, which has a Greed score 78. This bullish sentiment comes from the token’s growing trading activities.

Furthermore, Beam’s market growth over the past year has been remarkable, with a staggering 277% increase. Additionally, it has outperformed 76% of the top 100 cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Ethereum. Beam trades 332.26% higher than the 200-day SMA, which is $0.004690. This strong performance emphasizes the token’s potential as an investment opportunity in cryptocurrency.



The token posted 15 green days in the last 30 days and has high liquidity. These robust fundamentals suggest a favourable outlook for the token. It also indicates Beam’s capacity to attract continued investor interest and achieve significant market expansion.

Analysts predict that if Beam announces collaborations with other networks, it could reach $0.1. In a bullish market, the average price could stabilize around $0.08 in April. However, in a market downturn, it could nosedive to $0.02 before the end of April.


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  • 10% 場外交易折扣 – smogtoken.com


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