
110,000,000 億美元芒果市場漏洞背後的加密貨幣交易員因欺詐指控被定罪 – The Daily Hodl


A jury has unanimously found the trader behind the $110 million exploit of Solana (SOL)-based decentralized finance (DeFi) trading platform Mango Markets guilty in the first-ever cryptocurrency market manipulation case in the US.

聲明, the Department of Justice says that Avraham Eisenberg was convicted of commodities fraud, commodities market manipulation and wire fraud in connection with the 交易方案 that left Mango Markets insolvent and users unable to access their funds.

On October 11th, 2022, Mango Markets claimed that an attacker artificially inflated the price of Mango (非政府組織) and then borrowed large amounts of crypto assets from the platform using the unrealized profit from his long position in the utility token as collateral.

A week later, Eisenberg, who describes himself as a “digital art dealer,” 上市 as the brains behind the exploit. Still, the 28-year-old said he viewed the scheme as a legal trading strategy and blamed the protocol’s developers for failing to anticipate the event.

艾森伯格因行為受到指控後於 26 年 2022 月 18 日在波多黎各被捕。經過 10 天的陪審團審判後,他於 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日被定罪。

首席副助理司法部長 Nicole M. Argentieri 表示,



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