
Sam Bankman-Fried 同意配合調查推廣 FTX 的名人 – The Daily Hodl


身陷囹圄的 FTX 創始人 Sam Bankman-Fried 已同意在 FTX 民事訴訟中合作對抗其他被告。

The disgraced former crypto executive has faced civil litigation in Southern Florida from a patchwork of plaintiffs seeking to recover losses related to FTX’s collapse and subsequent bankruptcy in November 2022.

A new document filed on Friday indicates Bankman-Fried has reached a settlement with the complainants that stipulates he will “reasonably cooperate” with the plaintiffs’ lawyers to help aid in victim recovery from other defendants in the case.

其他被告包括支持FTX 或與FTX 合作的名人和運動員,包括退休NFL 四分衛湯姆·布雷迪、布雷迪的前妻兼模特兒吉賽爾·邦辰、退休NBA 籃球運動員沙奎爾·奧尼爾、現役NBA球員史蒂芬·庫裡、MLB 投手Shohei Ohtani、Shark坦克明星兼投資者凱文·奧利裡 (Kevin O’Leary) 和現役 NFL 四分衛特雷弗·勞倫斯 (Trevor Lawrence) 等。


FTX 崩潰並於 2022 年 XNUMX 月申請破產,因為 Bankman-Fried 被指控不當處理該交易所的資金,將價值數十億美元的客戶存款借給該公司的交易部門 Alameda Research。


去年11月,美國評審團 發現 the former FTX chief executive guilty of wire fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud against FTX’s customers, wire fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud against Alameda’s lenders, conspiracy to commit securities fraud against FTX’s investors, conspiracy to commit commodities fraud against FTX’s customers and conspiracy to commit money laundering.

28 月 XNUMX 日,法官 Lewis A. Kaplan 被判刑 Bankman-Fried to 25 years in prison and three years of supervised release. He also ordered the 32-year-old to pay $11 billion in forfeiture. Bankman-Fried is 吸引人的 his conviction and sentence.

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