
比特幣經歷了 11 月的動盪,在稅收拋售、黃金飆升和地緣政治緊張局勢中下跌 XNUMX%



70,000 月對比特幣來說是動蕩的一個月,月初其價格交易在 60,000 美元左右,隨後遭遇一系列挑戰,使其跌至略低於 XNUMX 美元大關的局部低點。

儘管本月還剩近四天,但比特幣目前的交易價格約為 64,000 美元。

The month kicked off on a rough note, as the conclusion of the US tax season prompted a potential sell-off of Bitcoin. Economic headwinds compounded the situation, including a significant surge in the price of gold, 高於預期的通貨膨脹收益率上升, leading to a momentary pause in risk-on assets.

Geopolitical tensions in the 中東 also exacerbated the situation, resulting in negative 資助率 in BTC for the first time since the end of 2022. These headlines continued to weigh on the flagship crypto’s price, contributing to its decline.

Furthermore, ETF inflows began to taper off, with BlackRock’s IBIT inflows ceasing for two consecutive days while GBTC outflows persisted. The anticipation surrounding the halving event, typically a bullish long-term factor for Bitcoin, added to the uncertainty in the 短期, especially regarding transaction 費用 and miner activities.

此外,該 US government’s sale of 1,999 BTC added to the bearish news while a significant volume of 清算 was observed in Bitcoin.

Despite these challenges, Bitcoin’s resilience shines through, as it’s only down approximately 11% for the month. Bitcoin had achieved seven consecutive months of gains, leaving observers to wonder if it could achieve an unprecedented eighth consecutive month of growth.




