
加密貨幣交易者預測 100 倍和 170 倍之後的下一個 520 倍機會


One of the crypto community’s most notable traders at the moment, Ansem (@blknoiz06), has recently ignited interest with his latest prediction, claiming another potential 100x opportunity. This time, his focus is on a new development on the Bitcoin network, which he believes is currently undervalued by the market.

安塞姆 通過X:

Next 100x opp is runes on Bitcoin, 95% of CT is not paying attention to this at all compare volumes on Solana memecoins to current unisat volume & consider the wealth effect if Bitcoiners have their own native altcoins to buy provenance will b v imp here also imo.

對 Ansem 成功的深入分析

Lookonchain, a reputable on-chain analysis firm, provided an exhaustive look at Ansem’s latest trading history and strategy. Their analysis reveals a pattern of early investments in nascent cryptocurrencies that later became highly lucrative.

1 年 2021 月 1.5 日,Ansem 投資了 Solana,當時股價僅 260 美元。到同年 170 月,Solana 的價值飆升至 XNUMX 美元,回報率大大超出市場預期,淨收益超過 XNUMX 倍。

Ansem 對市場潛力的敏銳洞察力在他對 WIF 和 BONK 的投資中再次得到體現。他於 12 年 2023 月 XNUMX 日發布的推文表示 WIF 在 WIF 的價值從 0.09 美元大幅飆升至 4.85 美元之前,它具有與 SHIB (Shiba Inu) 類似的潛力。

Similarly, his endorsement of 邦克 導致其價格上漲了 80 倍,令人印象深刻。 「30 年 2023 月 4 日,Ansem 發推文『bonk Great coin’,然後 BONK 暴漲! 0.000047 個月後,BONK 突破了 XNUMX 美元,」該公司表示。

Lookonchain 進一步強調,「Ansem 將 70% 的長期持有策略配置與 30% 的短期投機交易相結合。這種平衡的方法有助於降低風險,同時利用高回報機會。他的成功證明了他深刻的市場洞察力、嚴謹的投資策略和及時的執行力。

How To Follow The Crypto Traders’ Prediction

作為回應,擁有 346,000 名粉絲的著名加密貨幣分析師 Cyclop (@nobrainflip) 分析了 Ansem 目前的預測。他 解釋 炒作圍繞著一個名為 Runes 的新開發協議,該協議由 Ordinals 的發明者 Rodarmor 創建。 Runes 允許直接在比特幣網路上發行可替代代幣,作為 BRC-20 協議的更整合的替代方案。

不像 BRC-20​​XNUMX, which follows an account model akin to Ethereum’s, Runes utilizes Bitcoin’s UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) model, potentially offering a more seamless integration with Bitcoin’s existing infrastructure.

值得注意的是,符文不僅僅是一種替代品;它也是一種選擇。他們的目標是完全取代 BRC-20。該協議以 BTC 形式收取創建代幣的費用,並將於 19 月 XNUMX 日比特幣減半日推出。

With the anticipated launch of Runes scheduled for Bitcoin’s next halving day on April 19, the ecosystem around this new protocol is quickly developing. A variety of projects are already preparing to utilize Runes, with tools, launchpads, and other resources being actively developed.

根據 cyclop 的說法,最值得注意的是:

  • 符文幣 (RSIC):該專案允許用戶在 Runes 發布之前挖掘代幣。它已經向超過 21,000 個持有 Ordinal 收藏的錢包分發了 9,000 個 RSIC 礦工空投。
  • 符文終端 (RUNI):該平台針對開發人員,正在為比特幣應用程式創建一個測試環境,該環境將利用 Runes 協議,促進比特幣網路上向新應用程式過渡的創新和簡化。
  • Pups 代幣(PUPS): 該項目預發行 10 萬枚代幣,計劃為 Rune Pup 序號持有者進行空投,他們還可以參與代幣銷毀活動,以減少供應並可能增加價值。

The crypto analyst also advised that the hype around Runes is just starting. The “Ordinals community has spurred numerous projects to offer Runes airdrops. Thanks to Magic Eden, a new tab now conveniently lists all collections confirmed to distribute Runes to holders in one place.”

At press time, PUPS traded at $48.96, down 68% from its all-time high.

PUPS 價格,1 小時圖 |來源: PUPSUSDT on TradingView.com

使用 DALL·E 創建的特色圖片,圖表來自 TradingView.com

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