
PayPal 和 Energy Web 联手激励绿色比特币挖矿 – The Defiant


PayPal 认为经济激励措施可以鼓励矿工采用绿色能源。

PayPal 正在与合作伙伴合作,为比特币矿工提供激励措施,以减少对环境的影响。

在四月22 博客文章 published on Mirror, a blockchain-based publishing platform, PayPal announced that its Blockchain Research Group teamed up with Energy Web, a web3 energy infrastructure developer, and DMG Blockchain Solutions, a Bitcoin mining firm, to develop and trial an incentive mechanism designed to encourage miners to adopt clean energy sources.

报告 outlining PayPal’s Green Mining Initiative notes that the Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index estimated that Bitcoin mining drove 85 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually as of April 2, 2024. Despite the heavy environmental footprint associated with Bitcoin’s miner ecosystem, PayPal predicts that Bitcoin is unlikely to do away with its Proof of Work consensus mechanism in the future.

PayPal 表示:“区块链网络,特别是像比特币这样的工作量证明 (PoW) 网络,可能会消耗大量能源。” “我们建议使用加密经济激励措施来鼓励......比特币矿工在采矿作业中使用低碳能源。”

PayPal 表示,其研究合作伙伴 Energy Web 开发了一个“清洁能源验证平台”,为采用低碳能源的比特币矿工提供“可持续性证明”认证。

The platform issues accreditation dubbed “green keys” to the public addresses of miners verifiably using a significant portion of low-carbon energy sources to power their operations. Miner eligibility is based on a scoring 系统.


PayPal 表示:“链上交易优先通过以低交易费用广播的方式发送给绿色矿工,但一些 BTC 奖励‘锁定’在多重签名支付地址中。” “绿色矿工将被激励去挖掘这些交易,因为他们将是唯一有资格获得额外‘锁定’比特币奖励的人……大多数矿工将因为交易费用低而不愿意处理这些交易。”

PayPal 表示,已经与 DMG 合作进行了试验,在不同的链上交易量期间向比特币的内存池广播低费用交易。 PayPal 表示,普通矿工要么放弃了,要么花了很长时间来验证上述交易,并补充说,DMG 还能够识别和验证包括小费绿色密钥持有者在内的交易。

PayPal 表示:“这证实了我们的信念,即交易可以优先发送给绿色矿工,并且这些矿工可以使用拟议的机制获得特定的激励。” “通过促进这一转变,该解决方案旨在通过向矿工提供经济奖励来长期支持比特币网络的脱碳。


据 CoinGecko 称,这一合作伙伴关系吸引了 Energy Web 的看涨关注,其 EWT 代币在过去 16.3 小时内上涨了 24%。


The news comes as the energy expenditure of Proof of Work networks has emerged as an increasing source of concern amid the growth of cryptocurrency in recent years, with Bitcoin’s ecological footprint 估计 to be comparable to the entire countries of Denmark, Chile, and Argentina.

This has attracted condemnation from politicians including U.S. Democratic Senators, international organizations like the 国际货币基金组织, and business luminaries such as 伊隆麝香 and Intel CEO, 帕特·基辛格.

Notably, Ethereum’s transition from Proof of Work to 股权证明 consensus in September 2022 ushered in a more than 99.9% reduction in the network’s energy consumption.





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