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The Fermionic Quantum Emulator


Nicholas C. Rubin1, Klaas Gunst2, Alec White2, Leon Freitag2, Kyle Throssell2, Garnet Kin-Lic Chan3, Ryan Babbush1, and Toru Shiozaki2

1Google Quantum AI, Mountain View, CA, 94043
2Quantum Simulation Technologies, Inc., Cambridge, MA 02139
3Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena CA 91125

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The fermionic quantum emulator (FQE) is a collection of protocols for emulating quantum dynamics of fermions efficiently taking advantage of common symmetries present in chemical, materials, and condensed-matter systems. The library is fully integrated with the OpenFermion software package and serves as the simulation backend. The FQE reduces memory footprint by exploiting number and spin symmetry along with custom evolution routines for sparse and dense Hamiltonians, allowing us to study significantly larger quantum circuits at modest computational cost when compared against qubit state vector simulators. This release paper outlines the technical details of the simulation methods and key advantages.

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Cited by

[1] William J. Huggins, Bryan A. O’Gorman, Nicholas C. Rubin, David R. Reichman, Ryan Babbush, and Joonho Lee, “Unbiasing Fermionic Quantum Monte Carlo with a Quantum Computer”, arXiv:2106.16235.

[2] Nicholas C. Rubin, Joonho Lee, and Ryan Babbush, “Compressing Many-Body Fermion Operators Under Unitary Constraints”, arXiv:2109.05010.

[3] Nicholas H. Stair and Francesco A. Evangelista, “QForte: an efficient state simulator and quantum algorithms library for molecular electronic structure”, arXiv:2108.04413.

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