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TFT Set 9 Champions Confirmed and Rumored


After what has been one of the more complex Sets, TFT Set 9 is on its way. There is a lot known thanks to leaks and a TFT Dev Video. This includes many different champions, traits and more that is not discussed in this article but in others on the TGH TFT section. Here will be a full list of all the new confirmed and rumored champions coming to TFT Set 9 which should be released around the middle of June.

Note: This list will be updated as more reveals are made and other aspects are confirmed.

For more information about TFT Set 9, please use the links below.

TFT Set 9 PBE Release Date

TFT Set 9 Release Date

Confirmed/Likely New TFT Set 9 Champions and Traits

These are all of the new champions that are confirmed or mentioned by Riot Games so far.

These are all of the new champions that are potentially going to be joining TFT Set 9. Keep in mind that there are generally around 56-60 units in each Set.

  1. Poppy
  2. Orianna
  3. Vi
  4. Ekko
  5. Jayce
  6. Heimerdinger
  7. Cassiopeia
  8. Samira
  9. Kled
  10. Swain
  11. Darius
  12. Katarina
  13. Sion
  14. Ahri
  15. Senna
  16. K’Sante
  17. Renekton
  18. Taliyah
  19. Akshan
  20. Azir
  21. Nasus
  22. Cho’Gath
  23. Malzahar
  24. Kassadin
  25. Rek’Sai
  26. Vel’Koz
  27. Kai’Sa
  28. Bel’Veth
  29. Ekko
  30. Aatrox
  31. Irelia
  32. Tristana
  33. Maokai
  34. Zed
  35. Sett
  36. Jhin
  37. Karma
  38. Viego
  39. Shen
  40. Garen
  41. Galio
  42. Sona
  43. Kayle
  44. Teemo
  45. Ashe
  46. Soraka
  47. Lux
  48. Jarvan
  49. Taric
  50. Sejuani
  51. Lissandra
  52. Yasuo
  53. Kalista
  54. Gwen
  55. Aphelios
  56. Warwick
  57. Jinx
  58. Zeri
  59. Urgot
  60. Ryze

Here are the potential Traits. Keep in mind that there are generally 28 different Traits and Classes in each Set.

  1. Piltover
  2. Noxus
  3. Bruiser
  4. Ionia
  5. Sorcerer
  6. Shadow Isles
  7. Gunner
  8. Redeemer
  9. Shurima
  10. Bastion
  11. Void
  12. Empress
  13. Zaun
  14. Rogue
  15. Slayer
  16. Darkin
  17. Juggernaut
  18. Yordles
  19. Demacia
  20. Freljord
  21. Targon
  22. Challenger
  23. Sureshot
  24. Invoker
  25. Multicaster
  26. Strategist
  27. Technogenius
  28. Wanderer

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