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Coinbase, Uniswap Execs laudă Ethereum Giant Consensys pentru asumarea SEC - Decriptare


Greii din industria cripto-ului își acordă sprijinul Consensys după Ethereum gigantul a lansat joi o lovitură preventivă împotriva SEC.

Consensys, compania din spatele MetaMask cripto portofela intentat un proces against the SEC, alleging the regulator is trying to “seize control over the future of cryptocurrency” and is overreaching in its attempts to regulate Ethereum. (Dezvăluire: Consensys este unul dintre cei 22 de investitori în decriptaţi.) Compania susține că SEC intenționează să reglementeze Ethereum ca valoare-pe care, până acum, autoritatea de reglementare nu a declarat public.

“Thanks [to the founder of Consensys and the rest of the team] for fighting back and defending our industry,” uniswap fondator și CEO tweeter ieri. „Ne-am săturat de exagerare și hărțuire.”

The SEC has a long and contentious relationship with the crypto industry, filing multiple lawsuits against industry leaders such as Binance, Kraken, Uniswap, and Coinbase. So this reversing of the tables was welcomed with open arms by figures in the space who took to Crypto Twitter to express their delight.

SEC hit Uniswap with a Wells notice earlier this month, alleging the decentralized exchange had broken securities laws. A Wells notice is a letter that the SEC sends to individuals or companies to inform them it plans to take enforcement action and file a lawsuit.

In its own lawsuit against the regulator, Consensys revealed that it too had received a Wells notice from the SEC after a years-long investigation into Ethereum, the network’s transition to proof of stake following fuziunea, and the Metamask crypto wallet, specifically.

Consensys’s preemptive lawsuit seeks to get a court to agree that Ethereum is not a security, thereby nullifying the SEC’s claims. It’s a move others in the industry have attempted recently as well, inclusiv Coinbase.

Bursa de criptomonede din San Francisco este în prezent legată de bătălii legale cu SEC în ceea ce privește presupusa vânzare de valori mobiliare neînregistrate. În urma anunțului Consensys, responsabilul juridic Coinbase, Paul Grewal a dus la Twitter pentru a-și exprima gândurile.

„Este timpul ca SEC să recunoască că încă știe că ETH este o marfă. Gata cu jocurile.” Grewal a spus: „Mulțumesc lui Consensys pentru că s-a ridicat împotriva extinderii ilegale a autorității SEC”.

Nici Binance nici Kraken—both still fighting their own SEC court battles—immediately responded to decriptaţicererea de comentarii.

Editat de Stacy Elliott.

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